July 9, 2013

American analogy to the events in Egypt, part 5 - June 30 through July 4 - the largest human gatherings in human history lead to the removal of the president

June 30 - MILLIONS of Americans took to the streets in every state, in every major and minor city and in every town in the country (one small neighborhood where the KKK headquarters is located contains supporters of President Quayle estimated by people on the ground to be no more than 1.5 million people).

By nightfall that night, Google Earth had analyzed images of the protests and estimated that there were 110 million protestors across the country.

BBC had at one point announced that this was the largest human gathering of any kind in world history (I saw it personally but it has since been taken down and the BBC claims never to have made that statement. I was so proud and so incredulous of the amazing development that I wanted to see it for myself so I know it was there). For 4 straight days these people stood their ground and said they would not leave until President Quayle left and turned over authority to the Chief Justice. Even with the gargantuan numbers of participants, reports indicated that prior to violent retaliation from the radical groups, there were fewer than 1 death per million protestors over the entire period from June 30 to July 3.

In addition to the 1/3 of the American population who participated in the protests on the street, polling organizations polled the country and found that 80% of the population supported the Rebel Movement and was in favor of the removal of President Quayle. (That is more support than is needed to impeach a president under the current, real US Constitution.)

Prior to the start of the protests, the Secretary of Defense had announced that he would give the president one week to resolve the complaints of the people or face military intervention.

July 1 - Once the Secretary saw the sheer numbers of protestors in every corner of America, he made an announcement that the timeline had changed. The president now had 48 hours to meet the demands of the people or the military would intervene and enact the plan which was outlined by the Rebel Movement.

In that same announcement he explained, that he had met with: (a) the head of the National Salvation Front (a group formed by all the major opposition candidates who ran against Quayle in the prior election), (b) the young leaders of the Rebel Movement, (c) the Pope of the largest moderate Christian Church in America, (d) the Sheik of the Muslim community (a group which never before had a voice in decisions in American politics as they were a disregarded minority that did not receive much consideration), and even (e) the leaders of the radical groups.

Although the radical groups refused to cooperate or compromise, all the other groups had agreed to the plan he announced and he awaited the response of President Quayle within the next 48 hours.

July 2 - Late at night President Quayle made a defiant speech on the airwaves to address the situation. He said that he would not accept the ultimatum from the Secretary of Defense, he would not resign, he would not agree to early elections because he is the "legitimate" president of the country (he repeated the word legitimate 51 times in a 46 minute speech), and that he would defend his right to the presidency with his own blood.

He even called on his radical supporters to help defend his presidency against a "military coup." Most analysts viewed this as the president calling for a civil war between his radical followers and the rest of America including the military and police. News analysts across the country were outraged at the president for putting his own ego and need for power before the safety of his own people.

July 3 - The Secretary of Defense went to the Secret Service headquarters where President Quayle had been hiding since the beginning of the protests out of fear that he would be torn apart by the millions of protestors.

During that meeting, the Secretary informed the now powerless president that he was no longer president and that he was now in military custody.

The impeached president said that he refused to leave.

The secretary said he had no choice in the matter and was already relieved of his power.

Now "private citizen and civilian Quayle" said this would be seen as a military coup and the UK government would not allow it (in the real situation, private citizen Morsy said the Americans would not allow it).

The secretary replied that he didn't care what the UK wanted and that he was concerned only with the requests of his fellow countrymen.

Quayle requested permission to make a few calls so he could decide what to do next.

Permission denied said the Secretary. If you would like, the only call you will be allowed to make will be to your parents to check on their well-being.

Quayle said, "I appointed you as Secretary and I can have you removed from your post!"

Secretary - "I became the highest ranking member of the military with the approval and support of the entire military and you know that well. Aside from which, you no longer have any authority to do anything. You have been relieved of your position."

Quayle - "My supporters won't stand for this and they will start a war in this country."

Secretary - "Let them try and you'll see the power of the US military!"

Quayle - "Is that a threat?"

Secretary - "This conversation is over and you are in military custody. I am going to inform the public of these developments and America will move forward without you."

Then the Secretary appeared in the press room of the Pentagon surrounded by a group of people representing every major and minor faction of US society. With him were the rest of the military's joint chiefs of staff, the head of the National Salvation Front, the heads of the Rebel Movement, the Pope of the largest moderate Christian Church in the US, and even the Sheik of the minority Muslim community which had never before been included in a national decision in the US.

The Secretary of Defense made a short announcement about the removal of Quayle, the suspension of the discriminatory constitution, the appointment of the Chief Justice as the interim president, and then gave his congratulations and respect to the American people for their love of country, their resolve to end radical influences on government, and their ability to accomplish a miraculous result with very little violence.

The TV screen was split between the Secretary making his announcement and shots of protestors in NY and LA. Upon hearing that President Quayle had been removed the crowds erupted into cheers, chants of success, and songs of freedom. For the remainder of the night tens of millions of protestors remained in the streets and set off a fireworks display larger than any Macy's display or Washington display ever seen.

The remaining groups each made short statements saying essentially the same. And finally the religious leaders got up one at a time and both gave their Blessing to the American people, the new government, and the new process and Prayed for a successful way forward for all Americans.

July 4 - The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was sworn in as the interim president of the United States of America.


That's the whole story.

Now... which side sounds more democratic to you in this analogy?

"Democratically elected president Dan Quayle" and his radical, racist supporters?

Or the 110 million Americans who took to the streets across the country and effectively performed the first mass public impeachment of a president in world history?

American analogy to the events in Egypt, part 4 - March 2013 through June 30, 2013 - The Tamarod Movement up to the protests

In March 2013, a group of young Americans calling themselves the Rebel Movement (that's the Tamarod Movement in Arabic) started a petition calling for the removal of President Quayle because of his many abuses and awful performance as president.

Remember, under the new constitution issued by the radicals, it was nearly impossible to remove Quayle by impeachment or election so this appears to be the most democratic way to do it - go straight to the people.

In addition, there was no sitting Parliament... er, Congress at the time so there was no body in which to formally bring impeachment proceedings. And President Quayle had declared his acts to be above review by the Supreme Court so no court could try Quayle for his constitutional violations either.

This time, the opponents to the official American government had a more precise plan to avoid the chaos and military rule that resulted after the removal of the last president in February 2011. The plan included the following terms:
  1. President Quayle was to step down immediately.
  2. The new discriminatory and sexist constitution which was improperly passed and ratified would immediately be repealed.
  3. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court would be appointed as interim President during the transition period.
  4. A coalition government would be formed consisting of representatives from each major and minor group in American society including the radical groups if they agreed to participate in a truly democratic and fair system.
  5. Early elections would be held for a truly democratically elected president.
The plan included more points but those were the core demands of the people.

This petition was signed by roughly 75-80 MILLION Americans. Independent reviewers have confirmed the authenticity of the signatures (which included social security numbers to prevent fraud and duplicates) and said that this was the most signed petition in human history.

While this petition was spreading around the country, the Rebel Movement announced that on June 30, 2013 (the 1-year anniversary of the president's inauguration), there would be nationwide peaceful protests to demand the resignation of President Quayle.

President Quayle heard about the planned protests and called leaders of various groups to the White House and demanded that they instruct their members not to participate in the protests. Klan and Supremacist leaders publicly threatened to kill anyone who participated in the protests.

At the same time, to counter the threats by the president and his followers, the Secretary of Defense publicly stated that he and his military would not allow any harm to come to the people of America, and that he would not support President Quayle if the president asked him to use force against his own people.

The head of the national police force also announced that his members would not side with the president. He even instructed his members that they were not to defend the president or the radical groups against the public.

As a last ditch attempt to prevent the protests and save his presidency, Quayle went on TV on June 26 and gave a 2 hour and 45 minute speech of rambling incoherence. He addressed none of the requests of the people and gave no sense that he would cooperate or that things would improve. His nonsensical speech irritated people even more and over 1 million people started the protest that very night although most still waited for the official June 30 start date.

Next up the conclusion - President Quayle's final week and the largest human gatherings in world history.

American analogy to the events in Egypt, part 3 - June 30, 2012 through March 2013 - A disasterous presidency leads to the Tamarod Movement

During the first five months of his term, President Quayle made virtually no major decisions.

The serious economic problems plaguing the country did not improve, gas shortages started to crop up, inflation was on the rise, electrical blackouts got more frequent and longer each time, and crime was out of control.

Muslim homes, businesses, and places of worship were being burned to the ground without any action from the police. Radicals were seen in the streets - and sometimes caught on video in the act - attacking peaceful Muslims simply for their different religion. Sometimes murders of these peaceful Muslims were caught on tape with clear images of the radical perpetrators but none were ever convicted for any crimes - most were never even charged.

The only significant decisions Quayle made during these first 5 months was to issue presidential pardons for about a dozen of the most radical Klan and Supremacist members including some who were convicted for assassinating a US President.

Then, on November 21st, 2012, President Quayle started to take actions which led to the largest protests in world history. On that date, he issued a presidential decree that his decisions could not be contested by any court. To protest, 1.5 million people organized a peaceful sit-in in front of the White House to request that he rescind this new decree. Those protestors were attacked by Klan members and Supremacists. Five unarmed protestors were killed.

A few weeks later President Quayle dissolved the US Supreme Court and labeled all of the Justices "traitors to America" because they were appointed by the previous president and "were conspiring to get the previously ousted president back into office." With some effort and pressure, the Supreme Court managed to resist this attempt and maintained their position.

The following week he fired the Attorney General who was also accused of being a remnant of the overthrown president's regime. He hand picked a Klansman to replace him.

A month later he annulled the US Constitution and formed a 'constitutional committee' to draft a new constitution. This committee was packed with radicals making it impossible for the moderate and minority members to get anything they requested on behalf of their constituents (who represented the VAST majority of the American people). As a result of the bullying from the radicals on the committee, all moderates and minorities refused to continue to participate in this farce and resigned from the committee.

In a referendum not supervised by any judicial branch, this constitution narrowly got approved by a majority of those who bothered to vote but most moderates and minorities refused to even participate in the process because of the level of abuse prior to that time. President Quayle ratified it the next day (despite it having only gotten the approval of 18% of all Americans).

Among other problems, this Constitution included discriminatory and sexist language including making it legal for a husband to beat his wife "to discipline her." It also made it nearly impossible to remove Quayle from office in the future either by impeachment or by democratic elections (which elections, as was previously detailed, were not very democratic to begin with).

After another month went by, he invited top global radicals from other radical and violent groups aligned with his own (in the real story, the people who were invited were Hamas, Jihadists, and Al Qaeda members - so in other words, terrorists. He invited international terrorists) from all over the world, to a rally on the National Mall in DC. There he announced that he was cutting ties with (and declaring war on) Canada because the Klan wants to spread their Supremacist empire there as well. The average American has no interest in doing so and has no problem with the current Canadian government or people.

Throughout this whole time, the US economy sank even further than before, the stock market collapsed, foreign investment stopped, tourism - which had been the number one industry in the country for centuries - died, and electricity, fuel, and water shortages became a daily occurrence which triggered a collapse of agriculture which had been the second largest industry in the country for centuries. Unemployment almost doubled, and the US dollar lost 20% of its value.

"Democratically elected" President Dan Quayle did all the above between November 2012 and March 2013!!! As a result, people in America were a bit unhappy with him. A group of three young men in their 20s got together and decided to do something about it. The "Tamarod" (Rebel) movement was created.
Next up, the Rebel Movement and the final months leading to Morsy's impeachment by the people and arrest for violating the constitution.

July 8, 2013

American analogy to the events in Egypt, part 2 - between Mubarak and the election

From February 2011 through June 30, 2012, Tantawi was technically in charge. But during his tenure, there was a lot of national chaos and strife. Here is where I will start the analogy to America to give you some perspective on what was happening in terms that are familiar to you...

During the period of military rule, there was a lot of strife and increased violence between average Americans and the very small but very radical and violent groups known as the KKK and the White Supremacists (these are the only groups with which Americans would be familiar who are as bigoted, biased, exclusionary, and violent as the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis).

The great majority of people in America wanted a secular state with a strict separation between religion and politics. The population in America at this time was:
  1. about 88% Christian (about 86% being very moderate, in favor of the separation of religion and politics, and who had no problem with the minority Muslim community in the country while only 2% was part of the radical groups mentioned above);
  2. 10% Muslim (who desperately wanted the separation of religion and politics because they had been the target of discriminatory laws against their faith and violent attacks for decades); and
  3. 2% of the population was made up of various smaller groups. Also largely in favor of secular governance and also subjected to decades of discriminatory laws and targets of violent attacks.
In contrast, the violent radicals wanted a country based on their beliefs. They offered up the Grand Dragon as their candidate for president but he was denied the right to run because of his felony record. They looked for a patsy to put up in his stead and they come up with (hmm, who is a well-known dimwit in American politics?... Oh! I know!!) Dan Quayle. Dan Quayle became their official candidate even though he can't tie his own shoes. It was clear to everyone that if Quayle won the Grand Dragon would be making all the decisions from behind the scenes and Quayle would just be paraded out as the face in front of the cameras. (Or is it spelled cameraes?)

Seeing an unstable situation in the country, the Secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff (appointed as interim leaders by the previous president when he resigned) wanted to relinquish power as soon as possible and were desperate to get elections done immediately so they could do so.

Taking advantage of the frustration the people had with the military rule, the radical groups imposed themselves on the electoral process and demanded early elections because the average citizens did not have any organized political parties (imagine no DNP or RNP - just small, ill-formed and ill-funded groups) that could put up a viable candidate or run a viable campaign.

The radical groups also issued public threats against the Muslim minority saying that they will be killed and their houses, businesses, and mosques will be burned to the ground if they try to vote in the election and prevent the radical candidate from winning. In addition to threats, there is a lot of actual violence against the minority during this period as well.

On Election Day, radicals posted armed thugs outside voting centers who threatened people if they did not vote for their candidate. Their members forced their way in to voting centers to proctor the voting process so they could hide abuses like stuffing the ballot boxes and intimidating or turning away voters who were not part of their groups. Many voters arrived at the polls to find out that their names were already marked as having voted before they arrived and were told they would not be given a ballot to allow them to vote. In many smaller cities, armed thugs from the KKK patrolled the streets threatening to kill any Muslims who came out to vote - naturally, all stayed home in fear for their lives.

On June 30th 2012, it was announced that Quayle won the election with 51.7% of the vote and was sworn in as president of the United States.

Next up, details of Quayle's 1-year term as President....

American analogy to the events in Egypt, part 1 - summary of where the story left off when Mubarak resigned

This morning I saw a blog post that tries to explain the recent events in Egypt by using an analogy to America (http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/special-report-bret-baier/blog). Likewise, I have had a lot of American friends ask me to explain the recent events in Egypt and I have been planning to write something similar to this. I think the post above does a decent job but it doesn't quite capture the radical nature of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups in Egypt such as the Salafis. It also does not capture a lot of the important details. So here is my version of it.

Many of those who have seen only what is on American news have expressed a sense of frustration and irritation with the Egyptian people. They only see a group of whiny, insolent children who don't understand democracy and if they aren't happy with their elected choice after a few months, they will just protest about it and cause chaos until they drive leaders out instead of abiding by the democratic process. "Surely the next president of Egypt will be ousted in the same way," they claim.

This impression has formed because during the 30 months between Mubarak's removal in February 2011, and Morsy's removal in July 2013, the world has heard nothing about what has been happening in Egypt.

Being of Egyptian decent and having been born and raised in America, I have stayed informed about the developments during that period. Here is an analogy help you put the situation into perspective.

Before going into the analogy, here is what happened last time on 'Egypt - a People's Revolution!'

On February 11, 2011, Hosni Mubarak, went on TV in Egypt and announced that he was stepping down as president. He appointed Tantawi, the head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in Egypt, as the interim national leader and then left. This was in response to continuous protests by 1 to 3 million people in a few locations across the country since January 25, 2011.

Next up - a summary of what happened during the 30 months that you don't know about. That's where the analogy will start...

July 5, 2013

The 2013 Egyptian Revolution - Morsy was not "democratically elected"

July 5, 2013

There has been a lot of misinformation spread and a lot of misunderstanding about the historic events which happened in Egypt from 30 June, 2013 through 3 July, 2013.

Let's see if we can straighten out some of that for those who are being mislead by most media outlets around the world and in particular in America.

To do this, in each post, I will paraphrase one of the various statements I have heard and then correct the inaccuracies or misleading portions of them.

First up, "Morsy is Egypt's first democratically elected president."
FALSE. Morsy was elected through an incredibly fraudulent election in which several intimidation tactics were used including:
  1. Many voters were "greeted" at the polls by armed, pro-Muslim Brotherhood thugs who threatened them unless they voted for Morsy.
  2. The Muslim Brotherhood - being the gracious patriots that they are - "offered" (and by "offered" I mean, "we're going to do this or, if you prefer, we can shoot you!") to have their members proctor the polling places to make sure that the elections were run fairly and smoothly.
  3. As a result of having the Muslim Brotherhood members controlling the polling places, many voters showed up at the polls and were surprised to find out that they had voted before they arrived. Such efficiency! To clarify, that means people showed up to vote but were told, "Sorry, you have already voted. You will not be given a ballot. Go home."
  4. In many smaller cities, armed thugs from the Muslim Brotherhood patrolled the streets and threatened to kill any Christians who came out to vote. Naturally, they all stayed home in fear for their lives.
In addition to these CONFIRMED problems, there are widespread claims that the Muslim Brotherhood took advantage of the lack of organization and government control over the election by stuffing the ballot boxes with fraudulent votes. Because of the chaos there at the time, this claim cannot be confirmed.

For those who do not know the details about the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, it is estimated that the entire Brotherhood has less than 2 million members in Egypt which has a national population of approximately 85 to 90 million.

The Brotherhood's credo ends with, "Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."

So please, let's not claim that Morsy was "democratically elected" by any stretch of the imagination.