October 20, 2008

Election 2008 - Federal Budget Simulator

Check out this program I found. It is a really interesting simulator where YOU get to control the federal budget. You can see it's affect on the next 10 years and project how long your budget decisions can be sustained before the budget breaks. And, finally, you can choose the 3 most important goals of your "administration" to see how your decisions work to fulfill those goals.

It's very interesting and educational. In my own simulation, I found that if you eliminate special interest policies on BOTH sides of the aisle and just focus on what is best for the economy, national security, and health, then you can generate a budget surplus which would go even further towards strengthening the economy, national security, and health... it would become a positive feedback cycle rather than the negative, destructive cycle we have now.

Try it out and let me know what you think of it.

October 1, 2008

The subprime crisis

Check out this video...

Now, I don't know if that is more propaganda because EVERYONE has an agenda to push. BUT, ask yourself a few questions about the situation and see what makes sense...

1 - Why, all of the sudden in the late 1990s/early 2000s, did banks start making horrible subprime loans? I mean, the loan officers make a commission on each loan that issues whether it is good or bad, but why didn't they make these loans before that? I've suspected for a while that these loans were encouraged by some form of legislation but couldn't figure out if it was more regulation or less.

2 - Everyone, even Obama's campaign, agrees that McCain DID want to add regulation to Fannie and Freddie and DID warn about the problem.

Honestly, I think this problem is a lot more complicated than the media says and a lot more of the blame belongs on the people who encouraged - or even mandated - loans to people who can't afford them.

The only way I see this being corrected - even WITH this "bailout" - is if a large portion of these loans are restructured so that people don't default, don't get foreclosed, don't lose their houses, and can afford to make payments on them.

The damage is done, the real estate prices are down, the banks lost tons of money... now stop the freefall by restructuring the loans so there isn't a flood of houses on the market.

What do you think?

September 11, 2008

A day in NYC on 9/11/08

I went to the city today. Walked around ground zero. Strange, I've lived in NY my whole life and this was the first time I've been there in the seven years since it happened.

On that day it was like a third world country - infrastructure collapsing, people fleeing in fear, no telling where your loved ones were or even if they were still alive, no public transportation, phone lines were overloaded, people were in a panic.

After a few weeks they were still digging through the destruction 24 hours a day with hundreds of volunteers and workers going in and out. Even after working 10, 12, 15 hour shifts, people had to be dragged away to get rest and let others help.

After a few months only the professionals were left digging through the rubble but people all over the country, all over the world were still watching the news more than they watched anything else on TV.

After a year, we stopped for a few moments that day, spent the day watching the news, and attended memorial ceremonies.

Today, after seven years, the mood was just a bit different. I noticed it from the moment I got on the bus to the city. Everyone was a bit more still, a bit quieter, a sadder look on their faces.

Then I rode the subway downtown. The subway a bit more empty.

I got to ground zero. Everyone walked a bit slower, a bit more sadness on their faces, a bit more polite, a bit more patient, a bit nicer. Everyone remembered what had happened but it was clearly a world away.

It would be nice if we could treat each other this way everyday.

Never forget.

September 1, 2008

Wrestlemania 2008... PART II (OR the Presidential Election from McCain's War Room)


DATE - Thursday, August 28, 2008

LOCATION - One of McCain's 7, no wait only 5... no... 7, yes, yes, definitely 7 houses.
Can you imagine how often he must lose his keys with so many to keep track


JOHN McCAIN - The only Republican Nominee this year who was so plain that no one had
any real complaints about him. He's not Mormon, he's not a Baptist
Minister who made a statement that could be twisted into "he doesn't
believe in evolution!" he's not as radical and apparently psychotic as
Ron Paul, and he started his campaign before the nomination was already
decided (way to eliminate yourself from the running Mayor Guiliani! Well

CINDY HENSLEY McCAIN - Or as John calls her, The Hotness or Her Hotness or Your
Hotness.. depending on who he is addressing and in what
context.... and depending on whether he is still awake at the

ROBERTA McCAIN - John McCain's mother who is still spry at the tender age of 96. Come
on now, with a family history like that, there's no chance he will die
in office when he's ONLY 72 now.

GEORGE W. BUSH - "The Professor of Strategery"

DICK CHENEY - "The Puppet Master." He WOULD have been there except that he had to be in
a nearby surveillance van to feed Georgy boy his lines and help him
control his bowels. He attended by earpiece.

HILLARY CLINTON - Glad to see she's been as supportive of Obama as she said she'd be.
What a trooper.

BILL CLINTON - The man who started the Clinton Initiative. Contrary to rumor, that is
NOT about trying to score a different intern in every country on earth.

JOHN McCAIN - So what should we do here? Who should I pick as a running mate? That Barack is so pretty and popular, and I'm so... not. How do we counter that?

CINDY - Oh baby, you're handsome, you're popular, don't get so down on yourself. We have to keep reminding people that you're a hero and take their focus away from how decrepit you are. Here honey, use a tissue and dust yourself off, you're getting cobwebs again.

ROBERTA - Where's my pudding? John, did you eat all my pudding again?! And stop finishing the Metamucil, I need that or I get backed up like the Cross Bronx on a 3-day weekend!

CHENEY (whispering in Georgy's earpiece) - Tell them to choose me as the VP. Hopefully he'll do a better job of dying in office than you did and I can officially make this the United States of Halliburton!

BUSH - You want me to die in office?

CHENEY - You idiot! I told you not to talk to me directly when I'm feeding you lines!

BUSH - Oh right... hey John, why don't you use my VP, old Dicky. He's got the experience and he would make you look younger!

JOHN - Oh please, like I need to be called GWB II yet again. Isn't your approval rating down to single digits these days? Shouldn't you be asking Cheney how to make Halliburton more money? I want to be as far away from you as possible. I'm NOT taking Cheney as my Vice, he's liable to try to kill me in office anyway!


BUSH - BLASPHEMY!... But yeah, my boss says I gotta go now, we have a Halliburton board meeting soon.

HILLARY - Listen crypt keeper, you BETTER win this election so I can run for President again in 2012! I already have offices set up for the campaign and I can't run against an incumbent Obama! DON'T SCREW THIS UP POPS!

BILL - Hey, maybe you should select Hillary as your running mate. If you get me and Hillary behind you, you'll win by a landslide. All her supporters are bitter and pissed off at Barack... and besides, I want back in the White House for some new interns.

CINDY - Why are you even here? You hate us. If he made her the VP candidate, he'd end up face down in a ditch in under a month like that Foster guy you buried during your Whitewater scandal.

BILL - I wanna be in the White House with you too hotness. You make me want to put a lamp shade on my head and butter myself all over.

HILLARY - Come on Bill, we're trying to bring them to our side here, be more subtle (turning)... OH GOD BILL PUT YOUR PANTS ON!!

BILL - Giggity giggity! Alright!

JOHN - Seriously now, I need some straight talk and some mavericking... who are the potentials? How about one of those guys who lost to me?

CINDY - Well, there's Romney... but his first name is Mitt which is a piece of baseball equipment and he's a Mormon so he believes that after Jesus resurrected, He came to the US to speak to the Native Americans because they are the true tribes of Israel.

ROBERTA - You can't sell a Mormon to the evangelicals, they'll eat you alive. Speaking of eating, where's my pudding dammit?! John, what did I tell you about eating my pudding!? YOU'RE GROUNDED!

JOHN - Gee whiz ma, I was hungry. You know I can't chew anymore and even if Cindy cuts my food for me, meats make me gassy at my age.

ROBERTA - SILENCE! Don't talk back to your mama!

JOHN - Yes ma'am.

CINDY - There's also Huckabee but he made that quote that everyone twisted around to make it sound like he doesn't believe in evolution... And there's Ron Paul but he's a little crazy.

JOHN - Yeah, and he looks too much like that guy Do* from Heaven's Gate, that creeps me out.

*(pronounced like Doe a dear, a female dear..) - don't believe me? Just look at these pics...
DO - http://www.tvsa.co.za/mastershowimages/1463_heavens_gate_468.jpg
RON PAUL - http://weblogs.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/politics/blog/Ron_Paul_Photo_4.jpg

JOHN - Seriously, that mental patient convinced a whole group of people that God was surfing on the wake of a spaceship that was hiding behind a comet and was coming to save them, further convince that group to commit suicide by drinking Vodka laced with phenobarbital, and FURTHER convinced that group to do it while wearing black-and-white Nike "Cortez" sneakers... I'm most appalled at the sneakers - I wouldn't be caught dead wearing Nike Cortez!

CINDY - There's also Guilliani. He was popular and would have beat you except for the fact that he didn't start campaigning until the campaign was pretty much over.

JOHN - No, I'm already in the center and the evangelicals already don't like me very much. He's even more centrist than I am, the evangelicals would never leave their trailers to vote for us.

CINDY - Ok, none of those guys will work. Maybe we are looking at this the wrong way. Let's think about what complaints people have about you and try to fill those gaps - you know, the same way Obama picked Biden.

ROBERTA - You're old!

JOHN - Ok, let's pick somebody young.

BILL - You're ugly!

JOHN - Screw you playboy! Fine, let's pick someone who looks nice on camera too.

CHENEY - He's too far to the center for evangelicals to vote for him.

BUSH - You're too far to the center for evangelicals to vote for him, er, you.

JOHN - I thought you had a Halliburton meeting to go to? Ok, find someone as far to the right as you can. Someone who doesn't even make exceptions for abortion when a woman gets pregnant by her own daddy.

HILLARY - You've been in Washington for 26 years. Democrats could use that to say you've become part of the establishment and they want someone new like Obama who has been a Senator for all of 30 minutes.

JOHN - Ok, no one from Washington.

CINDY - Our side likes to bring attention to the fact that Obama has so little experience. Maybe we can find someone who makes that an issue too.

JOHN - Good thinking, hotness! Find someone who will get all the same complaints he gets. When they talk about my running mate's flaws, they will have to talk about his flaws and I can always point out that my running mate is in the passenger seat but HE is in the driver's seat! BRILLIANT AND HOT! Wow, that would turn me on if there was anything left to turn on! What other things do they criticize him for?

BILL - Well, he's inexperienced, as hotness said. He's not a centrist like most Americans are. He doesn't know much about foreign relations. He doesn't know the intricacies of military...

JOHN - Mom, buzz for the nurse please, I want more strawberry Jell-O. Ok, so let's pick someone who...


JOHN - Gee whiz ma. Ok, so let's see if we can put all this together. We need someone who is: young to counter my age; attractive to counter Obama's looks; not from Washington to counter my 26 years there; not an oil industry sellout to distance myself from comparisons to W and Dicky; not a Mormon like Mitt; not a psycho like Ron Paul; super conservative to get the evangelicals out of their trailers and into the voting booth so not Guiliani either. Also it has to be someone who: is inexperienced to highlight Obama's inexperience; doesn't know foreign relations; doesn't understand the military; is a minority like Obama is to get people excited about making history... hmm, maybe even a woman to win over some of your pissed off supporters Hillary.

HILLARY - WHAT?! You're going to put another woman in the White House before me you bastard?! I'll kill you father time! I'm running again in 2012 so you have to win and you CAN'T put a woman in there before me!

JOHN - Look, Hillary, if I don't win, then you can't run until at least 2016 when you will be 69. They call me old at 72 but I've aged better than you. You won't get elected as a 69 year old woman so whatever I have to do to get elected is in your best interest.


BILL - I really do want to get back in the White House in 2012 with some nice interns.

HILLARY - Shut up pervert. (turning) DAMMIT I SAID PUT YOUR PANTS ON BILL!


BILL – Giggity giggity, alright!

JOHN - How in the world are we ever going to find one person who fits all those criteria? There can't possibly be one person with all those extreme qualities.

CHENEY - Say Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska fits perfectly. I just googled it.

BUSH - Say Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska fits perfectly. Er, I mean, ahem... Say, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska fits perfectly. Bring her up on Google and check it out.

JOHN - Wow, she's cute. And look she's only 44 years old. Never been to Washington, heck may never have left the state, she doesn't even have a passport! She’s challenged the oil companies getting’ all Mavericky with them! She’s not Mormon! She’s not psycho!

BILL – Hahaha, that’s cute. Obviously you’ve never met her.

JOHN – She’s super conservative! She’s inexperienced! She doesn’t understand foreign policy – I still can’t believe she doesn’t have a passport! She doesn’t understand military matters! And American’s can make history by putting a woman in the White House rather than by putting an African-American in there! SHE’S PERFECT!!

CHENEY – Don’t tell them about how dim she is, they don’t know!

BUSH – Oh yeah, that’s right, she isn’t so bright. Heck, it takes one to know one, and I would definitely know!

JOHN – What’s that you say?

BUSH – Well, I don’t want to say she’s dumb so as not to bring more attention to my own inter-lectual short… short… shortnessisms. But, well…



JOHN – What? Who are you talking to? Where did that come from?

BUSH – Oh nothing. Yeah, let’s get Ms. Alaska on the phone.

BILL – Ooooooooooooooooh man, look at that picture! Ok, I gotta go get more butter. Bye all!


August 29, 2008

Wrestlemania 2008 (OR the Presidential Election)

Ok, things are just getting too interesting and too amusing not to write about. Given today's announcement of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate, I thought I'd post a couple skits about how I imagine the selections for VP going in these past 2 weeks...


DATE - Friday, August 22, 2008

LOCATION - Paris Hilton (The Building owned by the Hilton Corporation located in Paris, France...YOU PEOPLE ARE SICK) Presidential Suite


BARACK OBAMA - "The Celebrity, The Anointed One, The Prettiest Man to Run for
President Since Slick Willie" OBAAAAAAAMA!!
MICHELLE OBAMA - Barack's wife and the World Record holder for most weight bench
pressed by a candidate for First Lady
MALIA ANN OBAMA - Barack and Michelle's older daughter
NATASHA "Sasha" OBAMA - Barack and Michelle's younger daughter and speaker of the
quote, "HI DADDY!"
HOWARD DEAN - Democratic Party Chairman, AKA - Booyah Boy
BILL CLINTON - Former President of the United States
HILLARY CLINTON - The Bitterest Woman on Earth
NANCY PELOSI - House Speaker

BARACK - Who do the people say that I am?

MICHELLE - Some say John the Baptist, some say the next president, and still others say the reincarnation of Martin Luther King, Jr. and JFK rolled into one.

BARACK - But who do you say that I am?

NO NO NO... CUT, we can't do that. People, let's keep some perspective here, he's just a man running for President. All you need to qualify for that is to be over 35 years old and be born in the United States. Let's take it back to the beginning, start over, think about what you're saying folks and keep things in perspective... Ok, ACTION!

BARACK - So... what do the opinion polls say about me?

BILL - They say you're too young and too inexperienced you putz! My wife should have won, I should be back in the White House! Do you know what it's like for me in the regular world?! There are no interns out there!! And I'm sure not going to look at this woman for another 4 years! Look what the surgeon's did! She looks like a painted clown at a drive through window! You should make her your running mate and let me back in the White House is what you should do!!

HILLARY - YES! If you make me your running mate, all my supporters will fall in line behind you! (speaking of which, you should probably look behind you for people trying to club you with a frying pan so I can step into the top spot). But really, it's your only hope of getting my supporters to like you! Otherwise I'll tell them to vote for that pasty white fossil, McCain, so he can retire in 4 years and I can win the next election! You jerk, you should have quit this election when I had a 1-delegate lead like I told you, NOW MAKE ME YOUR VP!!

PELOSI - Bite me Hillary! You lost and I'm the most powerful woman in Washington now and it's going to stay that way! You'll be his running mate only over my dead body!

BILL - We can arrange that Nancy, we've done it before with people who've gotten in our way. Besides, you're not hot, I have no purpose for you.

PELOSI - Oh, you eat it too Bill! And stop staring at Michelle like that, you're creeping me out! Now think people, who is going to be the best running mate to balance Barack's complete lack of experience, qualifications, and the fact that he's younger than 60% of registered voters?

DEAN - What about McCain as his running mate? He's old, experienced, knows the military and has negotiated with foreign governments before. BOOYAH!

BARACK - Howard, he's my OPPONENT... we are trying to think of a running mate for me.

DEAN - Oh right, I get dizzy sometimes. I need to sit down. BOOYAH!

MALIA ANN - Hey dad, isn't Joe Biden the head of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations? What about him?

BARACK - Yes, Malia, he is the head of the Foreign Relations committee but he said I can't get on-the-job training as President and once said he'd be honored to run WITH McCain.


DEAN - But still, Biden might be our best choice. He's older, he has been in government since before you were born so he has tons of experience, his greatest experience is in foreign relations as your daughter said and that's where the Republicans are criticizing you most, and he almost sort of looks like McCain so maybe we can steal some of McCain's supporters that way - those old voters are confused easily, they could mistake Biden for McCain. He's the anti-YOU and he's everything you're missing! BOOYAH!

BARACK - Hmm, perhaps you're right. Apparently you do think better when you're sitting down and not getting dizzy. I could use an adviser like you Dean. Ok, Michelle, what do you think?

MICHELLE - I think he's right. You need to pick a running mate who makes up for all the glaring deficiencies you have and hope the American people are too dim-witted to notice that the VP doesn't really do anything... well, except Cheney, who seems to be wearing W as a hand-puppet. Wow, this is all so surreal. I feel proud of America for the first time in my adult life and I mean that in the least offensive way possible.

BARACK - Ok, it's done! I'm choosing Joe Biden as my running mate! Obama-Biden '08!... oh wait, does that sound even more like Osama Bin Laden than before?



BARACK - Ok, get him on the phone, hopefully he won't call me an inexperienced hack with a pretty smile and no substance.

FADE TO BLA... oh would that be racist? hmm... FADE TO WHI... oh wait, McCain's white, can't do that either... ok, ok... do a star swipe! And it will help bolster his celebrity image.


Tune in soon for a scene from McCain's War Room. Until next time, you stay classy San Diego!

June 6, 2008

A picture does NOT say a thousand words (AKA There are two sides to every story)

Are these people as horrible as they seem?

Take a look at this video then come back and read the rest.

Ok, what did you see? An older gentleman (granted he was jay walking but I don't remember a single day of my life when I didn't see dozens of people jay walk anywhere and everywhere) walking across the street gets hit by a car (on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD no less).

And it seems - it SEEMS - that everyone who saw it did nothing to help. The police chief said he was "unsure" whether anyone called 911 (personally, I'm baffled that the police chief would not have known that information - it would NOT be hard to find all calls to 911 when you know the exact time, date and location of the incident).

I say "seems" because I want to illustrate the point that, without audio, you cannot really tell what the people did or how they reacted.

I want to make the point that a picture - even a moving picture (that's video for you youngins') - does NOT always say a thousand words or tell the whole story. Let me explain...

Mr. Torres gets tossed onto the hood. Flips over. Slides off the door and side-view mirror. Those two black objects - one where he got hit, the other right by his body - appear to be his shoes. His head bounces sharply off the hard asphalt then he slowly wilts onto his back. Then what do the people do?

You might want to watch it again a few times - as I did - to make sure you catch all that happens (or does not happen as the case may be) in response. NOTE: It is easier to watch repeatedly if you pause it and go back so you don't have to keep watching the introductory commercial.

Look carefully to the left. Near the middle of the left side there appear to be three women happily chatting at first. At least one seems to look out to the street BEFORE Mr. Torres is hit; it looks as though the speeding cars on the wrong side of the road made some noise which attracted her attention. Then, as he is struck, her hands go up to her mouth in shock and she steps back away from the road and the horror she just witnessed.

So far, I don't see anything wrong with her reaction. So far, the only wrongdoers are the people in the two cars speeding down the wrong side of the road, hitting Mr. Torres, then fleeing the scene after they realize what they have done.

A little closer to the top of the screen on the left several people are walking toward the scene (towards the bottom of the screen) before the impact and they too immediately step back in shock. It also appears they step back for their own safety from two cars coming in their direction and out of control.

Again, so far, the pedestrian witnesses still have done nothing wrong, unreasonable, or unexpected given what they just experienced. So far, the only wrongdoers are still the people in the two cars.

Now look to the right. The car which was, at the time of impact, to the right of the degenerate who hit Mr. Torres immediately pulls over to the right. Perhaps he was calling the police. The only thing clear from the video is that he was at least concerned enough to pull over. What are the various ways he could possibly have reacted?

The best thing he could have done is get out, stop traffic to prevent the risk of Mr. Torres getting run over, walked over to him, called the police (or asked a bystander to call the police), spoke to Mr. Torres to check for consciousness, and stood by him until the police or ambulance showed up.

Could he have touched Mr. Torres? Made him feel comfortable? Checked him for broken bones? Not if he has any sense at all. Unless the driver of that car is a licensed medical professional such as an EMT, nurse, physician's assistant, or doctor, he has NO business touching an injured person who is still conscious.

He could move his neck the wrong way and damage nerves or collapse his airway. He could do a MILLION things wrong by touching him but almost nothing he could do could be helpful.

And I am assuming he wasn't a medical professional since he didn't instinctively go check Mr. Torres for consciousness and vital signs.

Another option is to pull over, call the police and report the incident and location, then drive off - which he could well have done from what we see in the video.

Not quite as nice a reaction since Mr. Torres is still at risk of being run over as he lays in the road while traffic is moving.

And since Mr. Torres could be losing consciousness and there could be important developments to his condition which a witness could convey to the EMTs when they arrive.

And since, just out of compassion, whether he was capable of offering substantive help or not, when a victim has someone physically near them to acknowledge their existence and show concern for human life, that victim will feel much more at ease.

The last way he could have reacted is to swerve to make sure Mr. Torres doesn't land on his car and damage it, and just keep driving like he was avoiding a pothole. Clearly, this is not acceptable human behavior.

But that is NOT what happened. He DID stop. We just don't know if he just sat there gawking at the spectacle or if he called the police.

So, if this is indeed what happened, then his reaction is not perfect... but at least he took a moment to make sure the professionals and the authorities were informed so they could help Mr. Torres.

Again, so far, the only guilty parties here are in those two cars. Although, the driver of this car could have done things slightly better by stopping traffic and waiting by Mr. Torres until professionals arrived.

Then two other cars come from the bottom of the screen, quickly at first, but look - the first one pulls to the side (right by the side road that the degenerates sped away on) and waits.

Maybe he is calling the police as well. Maybe he is looking down that side road to see if there is still any sign of who hit Mr. Torres and is trying to get the license plate.

Again, could have been better if he got out, stopped traffic, checked to make sure Mr. Torres was conscious, and waited with him until professionals arrived.

But, still, no wrongdoers but the degenerates who hit him.

The second of the two cars from the bottom of the screen appears completely unconcerned about the man lying in the road and, in fact, swerves across the yellow line right near Mr. Torres in a hurry to pass the "idiots who are making me late because they are slowing down to help a man that got hit by a car!"

Fine, now we can add the driver of that car to the list of callous people who DID do something wrong by doing nothing at all. Reckless and callous - BIG Jerk.

As those cars are passing, one approaches from Mr. Torres' side of the road (from the top of the screen). That car stops and, if you look very closely, looks like it put on its hazard lights.

Maybe that's yet another person calling 911. AND, this is the first person to make any effort to stop traffic. Good for that person!

Next a white car appears from the bottom of the screen, slows to be sure to avoid the first car which pulled over and avoid Mr. Torres as well but continues without any further hesitation. Useless - thanks for nothing.

Then a truck comes from the bottom of the screen, slows apparently to look at Mr. Torres, then drives on. Useless - again, thanks for nothing, I hope I wasn't in your way.

As the truck is going by, two men appear in the bottom left of the screen who make calls from their cellphones (maybe Hartford just has an awful 911 system and people DID call the police). Good for those people!

Next a man walks in from the right of the screen, stops the car behind the truck, points to Mr. Torres (apparently saying something), then walks to the curb on the left of the screen. And the car to which he pointed out Mr. Torres, pulls over to the right. At least some concern was shown by both parties - not so bad.

Then a minivan comes by and keeps on driving. Again, useless - amazing how many people have no sense and no compassion.

Now a scooter comes by, slows down, and circles Mr. Torres. Pedestrians on the left start to mill about, walking into the road and may even have asked Mr. Torres if he was conscious and told him to lay still to avoid worsening his injuries. That seems a rather reasonable explanation given what we see.

That would be great! That's the best thing people can do in this situation. We now, presumptively, have two people calling 911 and several others standing near Mr. Torres, not touching him to prevent further injuries, checking for consciousness, saying "try to stay calm and lay still, the police are on their way." What more can you ask?

Then the car which came in from the top of the screen turns around and leaves. Fine, so he didn't KEEP traffic stopped the whole time, but at least he helped for a bit. And now it doesn't seem as necessary to stop traffic since there are several very conspicuous people standing in the road to make it obvious to any approaching car that the road is not passable at the moment and to keep Mr. Torres from getting run over.

Maybe these people aren't so bad after all. Maybe the Hartford 911 system is in such disarray that it is rendered useless no matter how many people call. Maybe the Hartford police are so overwhelmed with their duties and so understaffed that they are fully aware of the 911 calls but are trying to bury it to avoid looking incapable. Maybe a lot of things!

This is all we know from this video.

1 - No one touched Mr. Torres. Since he was conscious, that's actually a GOOD thing.

2 - No one stopped traffic coming from the bottom of the screen. That part should have been handled better. I can't imagine with ALL those people no one had enough sense to realize it is important to stop traffic in both directions to keep the area safe.

3 - One car DID stop traffic coming from the top of the screen; at least until several pedestrians milled around Mr. Torres and made it obvious that the road was not to be driven on. That's a good thing too.

4 - At least 2 pedestrian witnesses (on the left) make calls almost immediately after Mr. Torres is hit. AND the first car on the right pulled over for long enough to place a call. AND the NEXT car on the right pulled over long enough to make a call as well. It is almost inconceivable to think that all these people were not calling 911 to report the incident. When you are walking and see a pedestrian get hit, you don't SUDDENLY remember to make a call to tell your wife to pick up the kids after school - you call 911! It seems very suspicious that the chief of police - a full week after the accident (Mr. Torres was hit LAST Friday) - would be "unsure" if anyone had called 911.

5 - Several pedestrian witnesses walk into the street and seem to speak to Mr. Torres. Knowing normal human behavior, the most reasonable assumption is that they were checking to see if he was conscious. Further, it is likely they even spoke to him and asked him if he was conscious to see if he could still speak. And it even seems like one of the bystanders puts out his hands in front of him and motions downward as though he were advising Mr. Torres to lay still to prevent worsening his injuries until the police arrived. It is even likely they told him, "Someone is calling the police. Try to stay calm and lay still, they will be here soon." But those are all assumptions. All we know for sure from the video is that they effectively prevented traffic from running Mr. Torres over and stood near him until the police arrived. I don't know what more you would expect to see from a video without hearing the audio.

Today's lesson - Every story has more than one side; sometimes there are several. And everyone has their own motivation for spinning the story their own way. The media in Hartford wants to sensationalize it to sell more papers or get more listeners or viewers and the police chief has an incentive to raise doubt about calls to 911 to avoid looking incapable or overwhelmed with work. Don't just accept the story you are spoon-fed from the media or the authorities... a statement is not actually true just because they say it is.